Saturday, May 5, 2012

resident evil Mercenaries 3D guide 3 with help from Berserker

-- Type A controls

Type A is much like the classic control setup from the older RE titles except 
that a player does not have to hold a button and move the circle pad in order 
to run.  Press up on the circle pad all the way in order to run and press up 
lightly to walk.

L                     - Strafe/Move while aiming
R                     - Aim weapon
X                     - Emotions/Taunt/Partner commands*
Y                     - Action
A                     - Use Herb
B                     - Hold to walk
Back + B              - Quick turn
R + Y                 - Shoot
R + B                 - Reload
L + Circle Pad        - Strafe
Circle Pad Up         - Walk/Run (Hold lightly to walk)
Circle Pad Right/Left - Rotate
Control Pad Up/Down   - Change weapons
Start                 - Display pause menu

* Partner Command controls:

Hold X + Up    = Go!
Hold X + Left  = Thanks!
Hold X + Down  = Wait!
Hold X + Right = Come on!

-- Type B controls

Type B controls changes the movement so that when a player presses to the right 
or left on the circle pad, the character will automatically strafe in that 
direction.  In order to turn, a player must hold the B button then press to the 
right or left on the circle pad.  This control setup is much like RE5's Type D 
controls except a player will have to hold a button to turn the character.

Circle Pad Left/Right     - Strafe
R                         - Aim weapon
X                         - Emotions/Taunt/Partner commands*
Y                         - Action
A                         - Use Herb
B                         - Hold to walk
Back + B                  - Quick turn
R + Y                     - Shoot
R + B                     - Reload
R + L + Circle Pad        - Move while aiming
Circle Pad Up             - Walk/Run (Hold lightly to walk)
B + Circle Pad Right/Left - Rotate
Control Pad Up/Down       - Change weapons
Start                     - Display pause menu

* Partner Command controls:

Hold X + Up    = Go!
Hold X + Left  = Thanks!
Hold X + Down  = Wait!
Hold X + Right = Come on!

-- Type C controls

Type C is a control type that is similar to a first person shooter.  Rotate 
your character with the face buttons to the side of the screen - X, Y, A and B 
basically serve as a right analog.  While aiming with the L button, your 
character can move freely while in an aiming pose if the circle button is 
pushed in a direction.

L                     - Aim weapon
Control Pad Down      - Emotions/Taunt/Partner commands*
R                     - Action
Touch Herb Icon       - Use Herb
Control Pad Up        - Quick turn
L + R                 - Shoot
Control Pad Left      - Reload
L + Circle Pad        - Move while aiming
Circle Pad Up         - Walk/Run (Hold lightly to walk)
A, B, X, Y            - Rotate
Control Pad Up/Down   - Change weapons
Start                 - Display pause menu

* Partner Command controls:

Control Pad Down + X = Go!
Control Pad Down + Y = Thanks!
Control Pad Down + B = Wait!
Control Pad Down + A = Come on!

-- Type D controls

Type D is the classic control setup from the original RE games.  It's almost 
the exact same as Type A except a player must hold the B button then hold up on 
the circle pad to run.  Holding up normally will walk.

L                     - Strafe/Move while aiming
R                     - Aim weapon
X                     - Emotions/Taunt/Partner commands*
Y                     - Action
A                     - Use Herb
B                     - Hold to walk
Back + B              - Quick turn
R + Y                 - Shoot
R + B                 - Reload
L + Circle Pad        - Strafe
Circle Pad Up         - Walk
B + Circle Pad Up     - Run
Circle Pad Right/Left - Rotate
Control Pad Up/Down   - Change weapons
Start                 - Display pause menu

* Partner Command controls:

Hold X + Up    = Go!
Hold X + Left  = Thanks!
Hold X + Down  = Wait!
Hold X + Right = Come on!


In each stage, your character will get a different variety of explosive weapons 
such as hand grenades, flash grenades and proximity bombs.  The explosives that 
your character will get will vary per stage depending on the enemies in the 
stage.  Your current explosives will be displayed on the touch screen below the 
current amount of green herbs in your inventory.

** In order to equip an explosive weapon, a player must touch the icon of the 
   explosive on the bottom touch screen.  This is the only way to equip the 
   explosive weapon.

After your character is finished the weapon, press up or down on the control 
pad to switch back to the weapon that your character had equipped prior to 
equipping the explosive weapon.  Herbs can be used by touching them on the 
bottom screen as well.Below is a list of the amount of damage that each character takes per attack 
along with the amount of health that they will recover per herb heal.  Damage 
taken shows how much damage the character will take from an enemy attack.  
Recover Rate shows how much health a character will gain from a green herb heal 
assuming that the character starts with 1000 health.

---------           ------------  ------------
Barry                        90%           180
Barry (Patriotic)           130%           390
Chris                       100%           300
Chris (Pilot Suit)           90%           330
Claire                      110%           360
Claire (Suit)                80%           240
HUNK                         90%           270
HUNK (Mr. Death)             70%           180
Jill                        110%           330
Jill (Casual)               120%           390
Krauser                      80%           210
Krauser (Exo-Skeleton)       60%           150
Rebecca                     130%           450
Rebecca (Nurse)             150%           600
Wesker                      110%           300
Wesker (Uroboros)            50%            90

IMPORTANT: When a player is in red health, the next enemy that is defeated will 
always drop a green herb if the player has no green herbs and no green herb 
drops are in the current stage.  It's a guaranteed 100% drop as long as a green 
herbs is not in the area or inventory (in duo both player's inventories count).


Once a player's health is fully drained, the player's character will enter 
dying status.  While in dying status, a player cannot attack or run - the 
character can only limp while moving slowly.  Tap the Y button to recover life 
while in dying status in solo mode in order to recover.  If a player gets 
knocked into dying status a second time without healing prior to that, the 
player will have to regain even more health while surrounding enemies are free 
to attack.

In duo mode, a dying status player must count on a partner for revival.  The 
health bar will constantly drain while the dying status player limps.  Approach 
the player that is in dying status and tap the Y button to revive or heal the 
player.  A character will automatically use a recovery herb that is in their 
inventory while trying to revive a player.


Each enemy that is killed in a stage will yield a specific amount of points 
based on the enemy type and overall difficulty of the enemy.  Normal enemies 
will yield a small amount while boss type enemies will add a much greater 
amount to the overall point total.  There are a total of 150 enemies in most 
later missions.

 -- Normal Enemy Points List         -- Boss Enemy Points List
.---------------------------------. .-----------------------------------------.
|=================================| |=========================================|
| Majini (Town)    =         300  | | Executioner Majini       =       5,000  |
| Majini (Base)    =         400  | | Chainsaw Majini          =      10,000  |
| Zealot           =         400  | | Gatling Gun Majini       =      10,000  |
| Bui Kichwa       =         400  | | Garrador                 =      10,000  |
| Cephalo          =         800  | | Super Salvador           =      15,000  |
| Duvalia          =         900  | | Executioner Majini (Red) =      15,000  |
| Big Man Majini   =       1,000  | | Popokarimu               =      35,000  |
| Chicken          =       2,000  | '-----------------------------------------'


Kills can be chained if enemies are defeated within 10 seconds apart from each 
other.  Directly after two kills have been chained, an indicator of the current 
amount of kills, shown in white text font, will display in the top right hand 
corner of the screen.  The indictor will flash a red color for each multiple of 
10 that has been reached.  As the 10 seconds go by, the current indicator will 
begin to flash and when the 10 seconds are almost up, the indicator will flash 
rapidly.  Once the chain kill indicator disappears it will instantly begin to 
award the combo score amount based on the current kills that have been chained.

         |       2       |     + 20 per kill  |    + 500 per kill  |
         |       3       |     + 50 per kill  |  + 1,000 per kill  |
         |       4       |    + 100 per kill  |  + 1,500 per kill  |
         |       5       |    + 200 per kill  |  + 2,000 per kill  |
         |       6       |    + 250 per kill  |  + 2,500 per kill  |
         |       7       |    + 300 per kill  |  + 3,000 per kill  |
         |       8       |    + 350 per kill  |  + 3,500 per kill  |
         |       9       |    + 400 per kill  |  + 4,000 per kill  |
         |     10-19     |    + 500 per kill  |  + 4,500 per kill  |
         |     20-29     |    + 600 per kill  |  + 5,000 per kill  |
         |     30-39     |    + 700 per kill  |  + 5,500 per kill  |
         |     40-49     |    + 850 per kill  |  + 6,000 per kill  |
         |      50+      |  + 1,000 per kill  |  + 7,000 per kill  |

Chaining kills is necessary to receive a high score.  For instance, by killing 
the Executioner Majini with a 50+ combo chain active, you will receive the 
normal 5,000 points for killing him then you will receive an additional 7,000 
bonus points because the current combo gauge is over 50; so instead of 5,000 
points for a normal Executioner Majini kill, you will receive 12,000 points for 
killing him.


Combo bonuses are found inside of chests throughout each stage.  There can be 
up to three of these chests per stage in Mercs 3D.  These chests contain a blue 
egg timer that will allow a player to gain 1,000 points extra per kill for a 30 
second period once they have been collected.  The screen will display "Combo 
Bonus" on the upper right hand portion of the screen and the player will 
receive +1000 points per kill.

Combo bonuses take the place of the current kill chain bonus amount to where a 
player will receive the full 1000 points as if the kill chain was already above 
50 kills.  The first kill does not count as a bonus in any way - only the 
second kill and any kill afterwards will give a bonus point amount.

** At 50 kills a player is already receiving 1000 points per kill, so combo 
   chests are useless after the 50th kill in a kill chain has been reached.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-- Mercenaries Combo System with Combo Chests

Kills      Normal Bonus   Bonus w/Combo Chest    Actual Bonus received

   02               +20                +1000                      +980
   03               +50                +1000                      +950
   04              +100                +1000                      +900
   05              +200                +1000                      +800
   06              +250                +1000                      +750
   07              +300                +1000                      +700
   08              +350                +1000                      +650
   09              +400                +1000                      +600
   10 - 19         +500                +1000                      +500
   20 - 29         +600                +1000                      +400
   30 - 39         +700                +1000                      +300
   40 - 49         +850                +1000                      +150
   50+            +1000                +1000                        +0
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

As you can see through the table above, the combo bonus chest amount will 
ALWAYS give 1000 points per kill after the second enemy chain instead of the 
normal bonus amount that is received through the normal enemy kill chain 
system.  So at 2 kills, a player will receive 1000 points instead of the normal 
20 points through the normal combo chain, which is a 980 point bonus.

It is important to pick up the combo bonus chests as early as possible.  
Picking one up before starting your first kill is really the best option.  
Picking up a chest after 20 kills starts to really just waste time since you're 
only receiving 400 points extra per kill at that time when you could have been 
focusing on melee kills to build time.


Hidden throughout each Mercenaries stage are orange colored time extenders that 
can extend the clock by a certain amount of seconds.  There are altogether 3 
different type of time extenders that can be collected.  Each time extender 
will add a certain amount of seconds to the clock as shown below:

                          |     TIME BONUSES     |
                          |         +30          |
                          |         +60          |
                          |         +90          |

Ending a stage by killing all 150 enemies early or performing whatever tasks 
the stage requires will give the player an extra 1,000 points per second 
leftover.  So if a player ends a stage early with 60 seconds left over then 
that player will gain a bonus 60,000 points added to the score total once the 
stage ends.


If an enemy is killed off with any type of character melee, the kill will give 
the player a 5 seconds bonus that will be added to the total time remaining to 
complete the stage.  The 5 second bonus is meant to compensate for the amount 
of time that the melee takes to perform.  Some melees are much quicker than 
other melees however, so this 5 second increase can be exploited to actually 
build time or retain time in each mission.

Some melees have the potential to hit multiple enemies at once.  If a melee 
kills off 2 enemies at once, the player will gain a 10 second increase to total 
time.  A player can actually set up multiple melee kills to help build time in 
each mission.  Melees such as Chris' uppercut have the potential to hit 
standing and grounded enemies, so a player can set up a single uppercut on a 
grounded enemy to where it will hit a grounded enemy beneath the currently 
targeted enemy.

The following melees can all kill an enemy and count as a melee kill:

Head stun melees
Arm stun melees
Leg stun melees
Ground melees
Deathblow/Tag Team/Boss melees
Partner Help Melees
Knife Slash (Krauser and Jill's weapon sets)
Time bonus hit
Landing on an enemy (from ledge dropoff)

Most of the melees mentioned above will take prior damage in order to finish 
off an enemy for a melee kill.  Finding out exactly how much damage an enemy 
can withstand before they are weak enough to finish off with a melee is very 
important when trying to build time through melee kills.


Each character has at least one deathblow melee that takes off tons of damage 
from an enemy.  There are a total of 3 ways to perform a deathblow melee:

1) Equip the "Reversal" skill and get in red health.  A deathblow melee can be 
   done from any stun while in red health while the skill is equipped.
2) When a Gatling Gun Majini or Super Salvador is stunned from a high powered 
   weapon shot or explosion, run up to them to get the button prompt for 
   performing a deathblow melee.  With the Gatling Gun Majini, he can be 
   stunned in two ways with a magnum - by shooting him in the body or legs.
3) In duo mode, one player must hit a Majini, Base Majini or Zealot in the arm 
   and get an arm stun.  One player must hit the enemy with an arm stun melee 
   then the other player must hit the enemy with an arm stun melee as it 
   staggers.  When the first player that performed an arm stun melee gets close 
   to the stumbling enemy, the deathblow melee prompt will appear.  A partner 
   assist melee and a ground melee that hits a standing enemy can act as the 
   starting melee in this sequence as well (basically the partner assist melee 
   or ground melee serves as the arm stun melee starter).

Chris, Jill and Wesker have 2 deathblow melees.  They can be done by activating 
the deathblow from in front of or behind an enemy when trying the methods 
above.  All other characters have 1 deathblow melee that will activate no 
matter which side of the enemy your character is on.  All except for Claire and 
Krauser's deathblow melees will cancel a plagas spawn in a normal enemy.


As a player completes missions with a certain ranking, skills will be unlocked. 
Skills can be equipped to each character from the character select screen on 
the main menu by pressing the R button while highlighting the character.  Each 
character can equip three skills at a time.

While highlighting each skill, the effect will be shown below the skill title. 
Skills can be leveled up to a max of level 3 by gaining skill points while 
completing missions.  Each skill has a normal effect and a level 3 effect that 
is unlocked once the skill is fully leveled.

Mixing and matching skills can give a player a great advantage in some missions 
in the game.  Some skills give a player immunity to instant kills, some give 
extra healing percentages, some grant unique abilities, some give quicker 
reloading time to weapons, etc.


Skill points are used to upgrade skills.  After finishing each mission, a 
player will receive a certain amount of skill points based on the overall score 
achieved.  A skill must be equipped to a character during the mission in order 
for it to receive skill points.  All skills can be leveled up to level 3 once 
enough skill points have been earned.


Spawn points are portions of a map where enemies will drop into the stage as a 
player kills other enemies. These might be a certain portion of a fence or a 
hole in the ceiling.  A player can camp out next to these spawn points and 
shoot enemies as they drop.  Boss enemies spawn from these locations as well. 
Every map has several spawn points and knowing their locations can really help 
out when enemies begin to stop appearing once so many have been killed.


An invincibility frame is a frame of animation when your character is 
completely or partially (during a certain point) invincible to any type of 
enemy attack.  Your character cannot be controlled once these animations have 
started up till the point that they stop; a player can quick reload using the 
Revenge or Old School skill at level 3 during these animations.  Some of these 
obviously cause your character to lose health, but the character can't be hit 
with any other attack during that time.

Here's the full list of invincibility animations:

- While healing *
- While jumping from a platform/vaulting over an object
- Performing a melee attack (even hitting a time bonus)
- While recovering from an attack
- While climbing a ladder
- While grounded
- While holding up arms to block debris from an explosion
- Door kick animation
- During a hold, when your character is winning/losing the struggle
- Opening a combo bonus chest
- Picking up an item (requires Old School skill to be equipped)

The invincibility frames for Mercs 3D are not as numerous as RE5 Mercs though 
many of them are still the same.  Item pickup has no animation anymore and your 
character is not invincible while picking up an item unless the Old School 
skill is equipped.  There is still no item pickup animation at that time 

* Healing with a herb will make a character completely invincible now.  Your 
character can literally heal as an Executiner brings his axe down and it will 
pass right through your character.  Healing is the most useful invincibility 
frame out of all of them in Mercs 3D.


Each mission that has a duo ranking screen per character can be played through 
the online duo option.  The "DUO" option is displayed on the bottom of the 
character rankings for each stage that can be played in duo mode.

SOLO only missions: 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2, 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-4

From the main menu, choose "Duo" then choose either local or internet play.  
Choose between the available options that appear:

Global Session (Host) - You will be the host of a session that anyone can join
Global Session (Join) - You can choose between several random sessions to join
Friend Session (Host) - Host a game so that a friend can join from the "Friend 
                        Session (Join) Option".
Friend Session (Join) - Join a session that a friend is hosting through the 
                        "Friend Session (Host)" option.

NOTE: Duo requires that another player have a 3DS with a copy of Resident Evil: 
The Mercenaries 3D for local play or a wireless internet connection for 
internet play.

While playing duo, if your partner is killing enemies and doing fine on their 
own, keep your distance and kill enemies yourself.  Only come together when a 
partner needs help for the most part.  Try to always keep an enemy in view to 
keep the combo while collecting time bonuses.  It's really good to collect the 
most hard to reach time bonuses from the very beginning.  Once a boss shows up, 
one player can deal with the boss while the other keeps the combo by killing 
normal enemies.
A L B E R T  W E S K E R
Character Stats

                Damage Rate      Recovery Amount
Default                110%                 300
Uroboros                50%                  90

Taunting time: 2.3 seconds

Default Inventory

Handgun / Samurai Edge (9/9)
Magnum / L. Hawk (6/0)
Shotgun / Hydra (3/3)

Green Herb(s) = 0

NOTE: Wesker's weapon set has a flaw of low recovery, so any character that 
equips his weapon set will only recover have health per green herb heal unless 
a skill (Medic) is used to counteract the effect.

Default Weapons

-- Samurai Edge

Weapon type: Handgun
Ammo: 9/9
Max number of load: 18
Damage: 400
Reload speed: 1.70 seconds
Critical percentage: 50%

Wesker's custom Samurai Edge handgun is the most damaging handgun in Mercs 3D 
per single shot.  It weakens an enemy well to set them up for leg stun or arm 
stun melees.  Wesker's own Samurai Edge handgun goes against his melee style of 
setting up Cobra Strike head stun melees though.  With a 50% critical rate, a 
player will be getting quite a few critical headshots instead of head stuns 
with this weapon.  On the flip side, this weapon has a 50% chance of being an 
instant kill when a normal enemy (Majini, Zealot) is shot in the head with it, 
which can help to save a dying combo quickly!

With an arm stun leg stun character that has increased damage due to a skill 
that boosts their melee damage, this gun can work very well for setting up 
melees.  Unlike Barry's Samurai Edge, Wesker's Samurai Edge DOES NOT have 
piercing, so it can't pierce through wooden shields like Barry's Samurai Edge.

-- L. Hawk

Weapon type: Magnum
Ammo: 6/0
Max number of load: 10
Damage: 2300
Reload speed: 1.53 seconds
Critical percentage: 12.5%
Special Properties: Piercing

While not as damaging as the M500 magnum, the L. Hawk has a really good rate of 
fire for such a powered weapon.  The reload animation is quite fast as well - 
it's even faster than the Samurai Edge handgun.  The L. Hawk magnum is a good 
weapon for stunning and damaging boss enemies.  Since magnum ammo can be rare 
at times, it's best to use this weapon for stunning a boss enemy so you can 
move close to the boss and damage it with the Hydra shotgun.  The L. Hawk 
Magnum also pierces per shot fired, so it can pierce through a Zealot's wooden 
shield and armor on Base Majini.

-- Hydra

Weapon type: Shotgun
Ammo: 3/3
Max number of load: 6
Damage: 500 x 14
Reload speed: 3.67 seconds
Critical percentage: 12.5%

When the full spread of the Hydra hits an enemy, it will take off a full 7000 
damage per shot (500 damage x 14 pellets), which is a hell of a lot for a gun 
weapon.  The only problem is that a player will have to be at extreme close 
range to make ever pellet hit an enemy.  The Hydra is an excellent boss killing 
weapon, but it can't stun a boss well on its own.  When used in combination 
with the L. Hawk magnum, the Hyrdra can be highly damaging.  Basically, a 
player can use one shot from the L. Hawk magnum to stun a boss then blast the 
boss from close range with the Hydra.


-- Cobra Strike

Melee type: Head Stun melee
Hit Range: High
Damage: 1200

Wesker lunges forward and strikes with the palm of his hand.

The Cobra Strike is easily Wesker's best melee overall.  With weaker enemies 
such as normal Town Majini, Wesker will kill off any Majini that he hits with 
one single Cobra Strike.  He can get multiple kills with one Cobra Strike very 
easily.  The Cobra Strike's speed has been toned down since RE5 Mercs, but it's 
still deadly!

-- Tiger Uppercut

Melee type: Leg stun melee (front)
Hit range:
Damage: 400

Wesker ducks down and performs a quick uppercut.

-- Mustang Kick

Melee type: Leg stun melee (back)
Hit range:
Damage: 600

Wesker steps forward and kicks the enemy from behind.

-- Panther Fang

Melee type: Arm stun melee (front)
Hit range:
Damage: 300

Wesker performs a quick horizontal swing with his fist.

-- Jaguar Kick

Melee type: Arm stun melee (back)
Hit range:
Damage: 400

Wesker steps forward and kicks the enemy.

-- Windfall

Melee type: Ground melee
Hit range:
Damage: 600
Special Effect: Critical if aimed for the head.

Wesker stretches his leg into the air and brings his foot down on the grounded 
enemy with extreme force.

-- Dash

Melee type: Special melee (Press "right" on the control pad)
Hit range:
Damage: 200

Wesker kneels down then move runs forward very quickly.

Extra Info: Press right on the control pad to perform a dash then press any 
direction on the circle pad + Y to change the direction of the dash.  Every hit 
after a direction change will take off 200 damage.

-- Knee Cannon

Melee type: Special melee (Press "Y" during a dash)
Hit range:
Damage: 1000

Wesker ends his dash with a jumping knee strike.

-- Ghost Butterfly

Melee type: Deathblow melee (front)
Hit range:
Damage: 4000
Special Effect: Cancels plagas spawn.

Wesker steps forward and performs a strike with both palms of his hands.

-- Rhino Charge

Melee type: Deathblow melee (back)
Hit range:
Damage: 4000
Special Effect: Cancels plagas spawn.

Wesker jabs his hand through the enemy's chest then takes his hand out shortly 
before the enemy's head bursts before its body falls.

                             B A R R Y  B U R T O N

                                 "I have this!"


| S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team               |
| Marksman                            |
|                                     |
| Gender: Male                        |
| Age: 38                             |
| Blood: O                            |
| Height: 6'1                         |
| Weight: 197 lbs                     |

Barry Burton was one of the original members of S.T.A.R.S. Alpha team during 
the events of the Mansion Incident in the Arkley Mountains of Raccoon City.  
Along with the rest of his squad, he was sent in to investigate the 
disappearance of Bravo team.  Barry is known to be a firearms expert with the 
taste for high-power weapons.  He uses a custom made Samurai Edge handgun 
handmade at the Kendo shop in Raccoon City.  He escaped with Chris, Jill and 
Rebecca and hid his family away so he could help his comrades put an end to 

When it comes to power, Barry turns to his magnum.  He even uses his .44 Magnum 
during one of his melees.  His ground melee is easily the most powerful ground 
melee in the game - taking a whopping 5000 damage per shot, it will kill any 
normal enemy that he hits.  Barry also has a unique head stun Headbutt melee 
that will critical often.

Character Stats

                Damage Rate      Recovery Amount
Default                 90%                 180
Patriotic              130%                 390

Taunting time: 1.8 seconds

-- Default Inventory

Handgun / Samurai Edge (9/9)
Magnum / M500 (5/0)
Rifle / Dragunov (4/4)

Green Herb(s) = 0

Default Weapons

-- Samurai Edge

Weapon type: Handgun
Ammo: 9/9
Max number of load: 18
Damage: 350
Reload speed: 1.70 seconds
Critical percentage: 12.5%
Special Properties: Piercing

Barry's Samurai Edge is easily one of the best handguns in Mercs 3D.  It does a 
good amount of damage per shot fired, each shot will pierce and it has a low 
critical rate!  This gun is good for both head stun and leg stun characters.  
It's piercing propery means that it can shoot through wooden shields that 
Zealots carry which can help out tremendously in Zealot stages.

-- M500

Weapon type: Magnum
Ammo: 5/0
Max number of load: 8
Damage: 3800
Reload speed: 3.53 seconds
Critical percentage: 12.5%
Special Properties: Piercing

When it comes to a great amount of power per single precise bullet shot, the 
M500 magnum will deliver the most damage per shot fired.  It takes 3800 damage 
per shot, so it will kill bosses fast.  The main flaws with the weapon are its 
low capacity and slow rate of fire.  It also has a very slow reload as well.  
Though this is a good boss killer, magnum ammo can be extremely rare at times 
so the M500 is really a better boss stunner rather than a boss killer unless 
your character has plenty of built up ammo for it!

-- Dragunov

Weapon type: Rifle
Ammo: 4/4
Max number of load: 6
Damage: 1700
Reload speed: 2.41 seconds
Critical percentage: 100%
Special Properties: Semi-auto fire

The Dragunov sniper is the middle grade sniper rifle in Mercs 3D.  It is semi-
automatic, so a shot can be fired one after the other and the fire button can 
be held down for a near rapid fire.  It takes some good overall damage, so a 
player can easily spam a boss enemy with this weapon from close or long range.  
The only real flaw is that it can't hold much ammo at once, so it must be 
reloaded constantly.  From a distance, the aiming with the Dragunov is not as 
steady as the S75 or PSG-1 either.  Unfortunately, there are no Pentazimin's 
around in the world of Mercenaries, Snake.


-- Headbutt

Melee type: Head stun melee
Hit range:
Damage: 400
Special Effect: High critical rate, Cancels plagas spawn (if enemy is killed)

Barry grabs the enemy by the shoulder then headbutts their head.

Extra Info: Barry's headbutt is a very unique head stun melee.  It has a very 
high critical rate and it will cancel plagas spawns.  Barry can literally toss 
a flash grenade at any time and headbutt surrounding enemies to kill most of 

-- Burton Boot

Melee type: Leg stun melee (front)
Hit range:
Damage: 400

Barry moves kicks forward with his right leg.

-- Gun Bash

Melee type: Leg stun melee (back)
Hit range:
Damage: 650

Barry steps behind the enemy and bashes them in the head with the butt of his 
samurai edge.

-- Barry Sandwich

Melee type: Arm stun melee (front)
Hit range:
Damage: 300

Barry strikes forward with his right elbow.

-- Knee

Melee type: Arm stun melee (back)
Hit range:
Damage: 400

Barry knees the enemy from behind.

-- Miranda Rights

Melee type: Ground melee
Hit range:
Damage: 5000
Special Effect: Critical if aimed for the head.

Barry takes out his magnum and shouts "I have this" then shoots the grounded 

Extra Info: This ground melee works great against Zealot enemies and more 
powerful enemies.  The shot from the magnum will kill just about anything that 
Barry hits with it thanks to its extreme damage.  It can kill a Cephalo without 
the need for prior damage!

-- Hurricane

Melee type: Deathblow melee (front and back)
Hit range:
Damage: 2000 x 4
Special Effect: Cancels plagas spawn

Barry lunges forward and hits the enemy with his fists while spinning.

                           C H R I S  R E D F I E L D

   "More and more I find myself wondering if it's all worth fighting for..."


| S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team               |
| Pointsman/Marksman                  |
|                                     |
| Gender: Male                        |
| Age: 25                             |
| Blood: O                            |
| Height: 6'1                         |
| Weight: 216 lbs                     |

This former USAF pilot is fully trained in both armed and unarmed hand-to-hand 
combat.  Although an exceptional pilot, he was discharged from his unit due to 
constant disagreements with his superiors possibly brought on by his straight-
laced personality.  He is S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team's top marksman and tags along 
with Alpha Team on their investigation into Raccoon Forest to search for Bravo 
Team.  Both him and Jill are eventually chased into the mansion along with 
their team leader Wesker.  Chris along with Jill fights through the horrors of 
the Spencer Mansion and eventually finds a hidden lab where the ultimate T-
virus bio-weapon (at that time) is unleashed upon them by a traitor.  Chris 
survives the Mansion Incident then decides to take the investigation further as 
he continues to gather information about Umbrella.

He heads off to Umbrella headquarters located in Europe but is stopped on his 
way by a warning from Leon that his sister, Claire, is being held captive on 
Rockfort Island while on her journey to find Chris.  He goes off in search for 
Claire and meets up with his old Alpha Team leader Wesker once Chris makes it 
to the island.  Learning that Claire has been taken to an Antarctic Base, Chris 
flies there and manages to save Claire and also destroy that facility.

(still need to add Chris' RE5 info)

Chris plays much the same as he did in RE5 Mercs and Mercs Reunion.  He even 
retains the same basic weapon setup as BSAA Chris from RE5 Mercs along with an 
added S75 rifle.  His melees take off decent damage and he can melee kill 
easily if his handgun is used for weakening an enemy.  His most effective 
melees for quickly killing enemies are still his uppercut and stomp.

Character Stats

                Damage Rate      Recovery Amount
Default                100%                 300
Pilot Suit              90%                 330

Taunting time: 2.3 seconds

Default Inventory

Handgun / M92F (20/20)
Shotgun / M37 (7/7)
Rifle / S75 (8/8)

Green Herb(s) = 0

Default Weapons

-- M92F

Weapon type: Handgun
Ammo: 20/20
Max number of load: 40
Damage: 250
Reload speed: 1.70 seconds
Critical percentage: 20%

The M92F handgun is the weakest handgun in Mercs 3D.  The only real good part 
about this handgun is that it can hold the most ammo out of any handgun and it 
starts with the most handgun ammo.  It's best used against Town Majini or Base 
Majini on most stages.  With Zealot enemies, you're going to have to shoot them 
about five times with this weapon before setting up the stun for most melees in 
order to get a kill.

For a character like Wesker or Barry that rely on head stun melees, this weapon 
can give several chances for a head stun if the shot accidentally hits another 
portion of the enemy's body.  Since it is so weak, it is not likely to kill.  
It does have a 20% critical rate that can go against a head stun character 

-- M37

Weapon type: Shotgun
Ammo: 7/7
Max number of load: 14
Damage: 400 x 7
Reload speed: 2.40 seconds
Critical percentage: 25%

From close range, the M37 (Ithaca) shotgun take off 2800 damage (400 x 7 
pellets).  The M37 shotgun has a tight spread of pellets to it so it is more 
likely to take its full damage amount from close range.  It's best used against 
bigger boss enemies, such as the Executioner or Super Salvador from close 
range.  It can stun many bosses with about two or three shots.

In RE5 Mercs, a player was forced to stand still during the entire pump 
animation after each shot.  Since a player can move while shooting in Mercs 3D, 
the M37 shotgun is much better than it used to be in RE5 Mercs.

-- S75

Weapon type: Rifle
Ammo: 8/8
Max number of load: 13
Damage: 2600
Reload speed: 3.67 seconds
Critical percentage: 100%

The S75 rifle takes off the most damage out of any of the available rifles in 
Mercs 3D.  Each shot takes 2600 damage which is slightly more than the L. Hawk 
magnum.  Unfortunately, it cannot stun a boss like a magnum can though!  The 
main flaw with this weapon is that the bullet shell must be ejected per shot 
fired, so there will always be a slight pause in between shots to remove the 
bullet shell.  This bullet ejection animation can be quite dangerous when up 
against some boss enemies, so each shot needs to be carefully planned.

The S75 rifle makes for a pretty good combo-saving weapon for when the kill 
combo is at risk however.  Since each shot takes off 2600 damage, it has a good 
chance of killing a distant enemy when aiming for one.  This gun can actually 
set up a melee for a Big Man Majini rather well when used in combination with 
skill that powers up a character's melees.


-- Straight

Melee type: Head stun melee
Hit range:
Damage: 450

Chris winds his fist then steps forward and punches the enemy with a straight 

-- Uppercut

Melee type: Leg stun melee (front)
Hit range:
Damage: 400

Chris leans downward then perform a quick uppercut.

-- Neck Breaker

Melee type: Leg stun melee (back)
Hit range:
Damage: Instant kill
Special Effect: Cancels plagas spawn

Chris grabs the enemy from behind and twist their neck, killing them instantly.

-- Hook

Melee type: Arm stun melee (front)
Hit range:
Damage: 300

Chris performs a quick horizontal punch.

-- Kick

Melee type: Arm stun melee (back)
Hit range:
Damage: 400

Chris leans back and kicks the enemy from the backside.

-- Stomp

Melee type: Ground melee
Hit range:
Damage: 650

Special Effect: Critical if aimed for the head.
Chris stomps on the grounded enemy.

-- Haymaker

Melee type: Deathblow melee (front)
Hit range:
Damage: 3000
Special Effect: Cancels plagas spawn

Chris yells out as he readies a punch then lunges forward and hits the enemy 
with a very powerful punch.

-- Backhand

Melee type: Deathblow melee (back)
Hit range:
Damage: 3000
Special Effect: Cancels plagas spawn

Chris yells out and steps forward then hits the enemy with the back side of his 
left arm.

                          C L A I R E  R E D F I E L D

                              "You lose, big guy!"


| Gender: Female                      |
| Age:                                |
| Blood: O                            |
| Height: 5'6                         |
| Weight: 115 lbs                     |

Claire drove to Raccoon City to search for her lost brother Chris and managed 
to get caught up in the viral outbreak in the city.  She met a rookie police 
officer by the name of Leon Kennedy.  The two struggle through the viral 
outbreak incident and manage to escape from the city.  Later, Claire gets 
apprehended while in a Paris lab facility and she is brought to Rockfort Island 
where another viral outbreak occurs.  She escapes from the island and later 
reunites with Chris before escaping the Antartic Base.

Claire is the only character in the Mercs 3D roster that hasn't been in a Mercs 
mini game until now.  She is fast and uses two combination melees along with 
several other decent kick melees.  Claire is the only character that can cancel 
her combination melees.

Character Stats

                Damage Rate      Recovery Amount
Default                110%                 360
Suit                    80%                 240

Taunting time: 5.0 seconds

Default Inventory

Handgun / Matilda (15/30)
Grenade Launcher - Electric Rounds (6/6)
Rifle / PSG 1 (6/6)

Green Herb(s) = 1

Default Weapons

-- Matilda

Weapon type: Handgun
Ammo: 15/30
Max number of load: 30
Damage: 320
Reload speed: 1.73 seconds
Critical percentage: 5%
Special Properties: 3-round burst fire

If you've ever played The Mercenaries Reunion on Resident Evil 5 then you're 
familiar with Excella's M93R handgun with its 3 shot burst fire.  The Matilda 
fires a 3 round burst of handgun bullets if the trigger is held down much in 
the same was as the M93R.  When aiming this gun at weaker enemies, the fire 
button needs to be tapped quickly for one shot to set up a melee.

Against stronger enemies such as Zealots, this gun can really shine.  With a 
Zealot's high HP total, a player can easily damage them quickly and set up a 
stun for a melee rather quickly.  With proper timing of knowing how long to 
hold the button down, the Matilda can work well against weak and strong 
enemies.  The Matilda has a low critical percentage so it can work well for a 
head stun character.  

-- Grenade Launcher

Weapon type: Grenade Launcher
Ammo: 6/6
Max number of load: 10
Damage: 600 - 1000
Reload speed: 3.33 seconds
Critical percentage: 0%

The grenade launcher in this weapon setup comes loaded with electric rounds.  
Electric rounds will stun enemies briefly with electricity and sometimes 
activate stuns on them.  Electric rounds can work well for quick damage on a 
crowd of enemies, but they are best used against any type of plagas enemies. 
Both Cephalos and Duvalias are very weak against electric rounds.  Each shot 
will take three times the normal damage amount against a plagas enemy.

Electric rounds can be used to stun a Garrador as well.  When the Garrador is 
hit with an electric round, it will kneel over and expose its back plagas.  
When electric rounds are used in combination with the Matilda or the PSG-1, a 
player can make quick work of a Garrador - stun him with electric rounds then 
quickly shoot the back plagas.

NOTE: Electric rounds can be shot toward the ground in front of your character 
to make your character perform a flinching pose where they will throw up their 
arms to shield their body.  This pose will make the character invincible to any 
attack while the flinching pose is activated.

-- PSG 1

Weapon type: Rifle
Ammo: 6/6
Max number of load: 10
Damage: 1400
Reload speed: 1.70 seconds
Critical percentage: 100%
Special Properties: Semi-auto fire, Level 3 scope zoom

The PSG-1 is the least damaging rifle in Mercs 3D, but it has the option of 
semi-auto fire which allows a player to fire shots constantly just by holding 
down on the fire button!  The PSG-1 is a good weapon for damaging bosses from 
long range or killing a distant enemy when the combo is at risk.  A player can 
literally spam an enemy with shots from this rifle.  The PSG-1 is quite 
accurate as well and has the highest scope zoom out of any rifle when fully 
zoomed in.


-- One Two High

Melee type: Head stun melee
Hit range:
Damage: 100, 250, 250

Claire performs two hooks to the enemy then kicks them.

Extra Note: Hold in any direction with the circle pad to cancel the kick.

-- Upper Combination

Melee type: Leg stun melee (front)
Hit range:
Damage: 250 x 2

Claire performs an uppercut followed by a right hook.

Extra Note: Hold in any direction with the circle pad to cancel the hook.

-- Neck Kick

Melee type: Leg stun melee (back)
Hit range:
Damage: 800

Claire kicks the enemy to its knees then roundhouse kicks the back of their 

-- Fall High

Melee type: Arm stun melee (front)
Hit range:
Damage: 250

Claire performs a roundhouse kick.

-- Back Hook Kick

Melee type: Arm stun melee (back)
Hit range:
Damage: 400

Claire kicks the enemy from the back with a forward kick.

-- Stomp

Melee type: Ground
Hit range:
Damage: 600

Claire lifts her leg upward then stomps the enemy.

-- Double Shoot

Melee type: Deathblow melee (front and back)
Hit range:
Damage: 500, 5500

Claire kicks forward then hits the enemy with a jumping roundhouse.

Extra Info: Unlike most other deathblow melees, Claire's Double Shoot will not 
cancel a plagas spawn for a normal enemy.

                                    H U N K

                            "The Death cannot die."


| Gender: Male                        |
| Age: ?                              |
| Blood: ?                            |
| Height: ?                           |
| Weight: ?                           |
| Occupation: Umbrella Special Forces |
|             Team Leader             |

Earning the nickname of the "Grim Reaper" or "Death", this U.S.S. (Umbrella 
Special Forces) member has been involved in a large number of operations where 
he was the only survivor of his team.  Him and his squad confronted William 
Birkin in his lab then shot him and took the G-virus sample for themselves.  
Little did they know that Birkin remained alive and injected himself with G 
then confronted his attackers in the sewers of Raccoon City.  HUNK single-
handedly survived the attack and managed to retrieve the G-virus sample.

He wakes up in the sewers later and contacts his helicopter at the evacuation 
point outside the building.  With little ammo left, HUNK must then fight 
through the remainder of the T-virus carriers that roam the police station on 
his way to the evac point.  He keeps his usual attitude during his fight - 
cold, silent, and emotionless - and keeps one thing in mind - the Death cannot 

HUNK is easily one of the most flashiest and deadliest Mercs character in Mercs 
3D.  He has two instant kill melees and his deathblow melee makes him extremely 
powerful when used in combination with the Reversal skill.  HUNK can be a time 
building machine through Side Kick melee kills with the Reversal skill on any 

Character Stats

                Damage Rate      Recovery Amount
Default                 90%                 270
Mr. Death               70%                 180

Taunting time: 5.0 seconds

Default Inventory

Handgun / P8 (14/14)
Grenade Launcher - Flash Rounds (4/4)
Machine Gun / AK74 (30/30)

Green Herb(s) = 0

Default Weapons

-- P8

Weapon type: Handgun
Ammo: 14/14
Max number of load: 28
Damage: 300
Reload speed: 1.53 seconds
Critical percentage: 12.5%
Special Properties: Piercing

The P8 handgun is a good mix of damage per shot fired matched up with an 
overall good amount of bullets that can be loaded into the handgun at a time 
before a reload.  Throw in the fact that it can pierce through wooden shields 
and it has a low critical rate for setting up head stun melees and this handgun 
can work pretty well for most characters.  Barry's Samurai Edge is a better 
handgun if you want a higher firepower mixed with a higher damage rate per shot 
fired however.

-- Grenade Launcher

Weapon type: Grenade Launcher
Ammo: 4/4
Max number of load: 6
Damage: 0 - 100
Reload speed: 3.33 seconds
Critical percentage: 0%

The grenade launcher in this weapon set is loaded with flash rounds.  Flash 
rounds can work well for instantly killing plagas enemies or for saving a melee 
kill on a weakened normal enemy.  When shot toward the ground, these grenade 
rounds will create a burst of blinding light that will momentarily blind 
surrounding enemies and set them up for a head stun melee.  Keep in mind that 
any enemies that wear any type of armor over their head will be immune to a 
flash stun.

Flash grenades can actually damage an enemy with a direct hit.  They take 100 
damage when they hit an enemy directly, so don't ever hit an enemy with a flash 
round when attempting to save a melee - fire the shot at the ground instead.  

NOTE 1: When a player equips the Reversal skill and gets in low (red) health 
with that character, flash rounds can be used to set up deathblow melees on all 
surrounding enemies that do not wear masks.  This works considerably well for 
HUNK since his Side Kick deathblow melee is so fast!

NOTE 2: When a flash round is shot at the ground directly in front of your 
character or when a shot goes off very close to your character, the character 
will throw up an arm to shield themselves from the burst of light.  While a 
character holds up an arm, that character is momentarily invincible to attacks. 
Don't depend on this animation for saving your character from attacks most of 
the time though.  The animation is much shorter then the flinch animation from 
explosive rounds and electric rounds.

-- AK74

Weapon type: Machine Gun
Ammo: 30/30
Max number of load: 60
Damage: 240
Reload speed: 2.83 seconds
Critical percentage: 12.5%

When it comes to power, the AK74 machine gun is the most damaging machine gun 
of them all.  It can be used to damage bosses quickly if needed.  The only flaw 
is that the machine gun has a bad recoil, which can ruin accurate shots.  This 
machine gun also has a lengthy reload animation, but that can be solved by 
equipping a skill with a quick reload level 3 effect to avoid the reload 
animation altogether.  The AK has no piercing, but it comes with a weapon set 
that has a piercing handgun so that is not much of a problem.


-- Elbow Strike

Melee type: Head stun melee
Hit range:
Damage: 350

HUNK steps forward and hits the enemy with an overhead elbow strike.

-- The End

Melee type: Leg stun (front)
Hit range:
Damage: Instant kill
Special Effect: Cancels plagas spawn

HUNK stabs the enemy in the neck with his wrist blast then kick them to the 

-- Executioner

Melee type: Leg stun (back)
Hit range:
Damage: Instant kill
Special Effect: Cancels plagas spawn

HUNK grabs the enemy from the back then extends his wrist blade and stabs the 
enemy in the back.

-- Riot Kick

Melee type: Arm stun (front)
Hit range:
Damage: 300

HUNK sheathes the blade on his foot then kicks the enemy and stabs them with 
the blade.

-- Neck Slicer

Melee type: Arm stun (back)
Hit range:
Damage: 400

HUNK slices forward with his wrist blade.

-- Triple Tap

Melee type: Ground melee
Hit range:
Damage: 200, 250, 250
Special Effect: Critical if aimed for the head.

While HUNK looks down at the enemy, he takes out his handgun and fires three 
times at the grounded enemy.

-- Side Kick

Melee type: Deathblow melee (front and back)
Hit range:
Damage: 3000
Special Effect: Cancels plagas spawn

HUNK leaps into the air then perform a kick toward the enemy.

                             J A C K  K R A U S E R

     "For you and I, Leon, we're merely different sides of the same coin."


| Gender: Male                        |
| Age: ?                              |
| Blood: ?                            |
| Height: ?                           |
| Weight: ?                           |
| Occupation: Freelance Mercenary     |
|                                     |

Jack Krauser was once a member of the US Socom where he led many successful 
operations.  Under Government orders, both Krauser and Leon were sent on a 
special mission to South America to investigate Umbrella's relationship to the 
drug lord Havier Hidalgo.  Krauser is a gun for hire.  He never sells his time 
to any one given organization.  His loyalties lie with those who will pay him 
well for his time.  Leon and Krauser fight together in South America and put an 
end to the new strain of T-Veronica.  Krauser's arm is severely injured during 
the events and he is infected with T-Veronica.  Krauser learns of a man named 
Wesker from Leon.  He is discharged from the military due to his injuries. He 
forms a quiet, yet deep, grudge against Leon and seeks out Wesker for a new 

The two meet again in Europe when Leon is searching for the President's 
daughter, Ashley.  Krauser is a mercenary for Saddler at that time.  Krauser 
admits that he was the one that kidnapped Ashley to gain Saddler's trust.  He 
had no interest in Saddler's goals though.  His main agenda was to retrieve a 
sample of Las Plagas for Wesker.  Leon and Krauser fight twice during the 
events in Europe and Krauser is believed to be killed by Leon.

Krauser had the most unique weapon setup in RE4 Mercs and he still retains the 
same basic type of weapons.  His Bow has infinite arrows and his knife takes 
off about as much as a handgun shot per slice and counts as a melee kill after 
finishing off an enemy with it.  Krauser also carries two of the most powerful 
weapon in the game - the rocket launcher - which can finish off most enemies 
(including bosses) with one shot.

Character Stats

                Damage Rate      Recovery Amount
Default                 80%                 210
Exoskeleton             60%                 150

Taunting time: 2.6 seconds

Default Inventory

Bow & Arrow
Rocket Launcher (2/0)

Green Herb(s) = 1

Default Weapons

-- Bow & Arrow

Weapon type: Bow & Arrow
Ammo: Infinite
Max number of load: Infinite
Damage: 700
Reload speed: n/a
Critical percentage: 12.5%

The bow & arrow comes with an infinite supply of arrows.  It never needs to be 
reloaded and a player doesn't have to worry about picking up any type of ammo 
for it.  Against weaker enemies such as Town Majini, it will often kill them 
too quickly to be useful for melee kills.  It is a decent weapon for setting up 
melee kills on more powerful enemies.  With its high damage rate per arrow, it 
can easily mess up melee kills on just about any normal enemy however.

The bow can make a decent boss killer once your character has used both 
rockets.  It's not a good boss stunning weapon, but when arrows are shot while 
moving a player can constantly focus on spamming a boss with arrows without 
needing to stop to reload.

-- Knife

Weapon type: Knife (melee weapon)
Ammo: n/a
Max number of load: n/a
Damage: 300
Reload speed: n/a
Critical percentage: 0%
Special Properities: Counts a melee (+5 seconds per finishing knife slash)

Krauser's knife takes off 300 damage per slice, so it can kill weaker enemies 
with only about three slashes.  The knife can stun enemies by hitting them in 
different portions of the body much like a handgun also.  The best part about 
the knife is that an enemy that is killed with a knife slash finish will count 
as a melee kill and give a player 5 bonus seconds.

NOTE: The knife is best used while moving.  Move while aiming and slash at 
enemies to kill them off quickly.

-- Rocket Launcher

Weapon type: Rocket Launcher
Ammo: 2/0
Max number of load: 2
Damage: 30000
Reload speed: n/a
Critical percentage: 0%

When a certain boss enemy refuses to die from any other type of weapon, shoot 
it with the rocket launcher and it will suddenly disappear!  The rocket 
launcher takes off 30,000 damage per rocket shot.  Each rocket launcher only 
has 1 rocket, so aim carefully.  The only boss enemy that cannot be finished 
off with a direct shot from the rocket launcher is Popokarimu - he can be 
finished off with two rockets shot as his tail weak point however.


-- Roundhouse

Melee type: Head stun melee
Hit range:
Damage: 200, 300

Krauser performs two spinning roundhouses while moving forward.

-- Stinger

Melee type: Leg stun melee (front)
Hit range:
Damage: Instant kill
Special Effect: Cancels plagas spawn

Krauser grabs both of the enemy's shoulders then knees them in the head and 
makes their head explode.

-- Throat Slit

Melee type: Leg stun melee (back)
Hit range:
Damage: Instant kill
Special Effect: Cancels plagas spawn

Krauser grabs the enemy around the neck from behind then slits their throat 
with his combat knife.

-- Up-Slice

Melee type: Arm stun melee (front)
Hit range:
Damage: 350

Krauser performs an uppercut slice with his combat knife.

-- Tackle

Melee type: Arm stun melee (back)
Hit range:
Damage: 800

Krauser lunges forward and hits the enemy from behind with his shoulder.

-- Knife Stab

Melee type: Ground melee
Hit range:
Damage: 800
Special Effect: Critical if aimed for the head.

Krauser takes out his combat knife then stabs the grounded enemy.

-- Drop Kick

Melee type: Deathblow melee (front and back)
Hit range:
Damage: 4000

Krauser leaps into the air then hits the enemy with both of his feet.

Extra Info: Unlike most other deathblow melees, Krauser's Drop Kick will not 
cancel a plagas spawn for a normal enemy.

                           J I L L  V A L E N T I N E

               "You want S.T.A.R.S?  I'll give you S.T.A.R.S!"


| S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team               |
| Rear Security/B&E Specialist        |
|                                     |
| Gender: Female                      |
| Age: 23                             |
| Blood: B                            |
| Height: 5'8                         |
| Weight: 123 lbs                     |

Before joining S.T.A.R.S., Jill spent years as a member of the US Army's Delta 
Force.  Her mad skills for lock picking has earned her the title "Master of 
Unlocking".  Being highly skilled at bomb disposal and, given her size, highly 
adept at physical combat have helped her to gain a secure position among the 
local police department's top ranks.

Along with Chris, she survives the horrors of the Spencer Estate then plans to 
meet up with him in order to take down a newly discovered Umbrella base after 
she finishes gathering data on a nearby Umbrella facility in Raccoon City.  She 
is unfortunate enough to be stuck in Raccoon City as the T-virus is spread 
throughout the town.  She plans her last escape then journeys out into the 
streets only to face a new enemy, a pursuer sent by Umbrella that will not stop 
until it has hunted down the last of the remaining S.T.A.R.S. team.  She 
watches in horror as her fellow comrade, Brad Vickers, that helped her escape 
the Spencer Mansion, is assassinated by this monster, this Nemesis, right in 
front of her eyes.

While escaping from the endless pursuit of this new threat, Jill stumbles 
across Carlos, a member of the U.B.C.S. (Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure 
Service) and decides to join up with him and his remaining team.  She 
eventually fights off her pursuer in a heated battle where she delivers 
S.T.A.R.S. unto him shortly before reaching a rescue helicopter that flies her 
and Carlos out of Raccoon City shortly before the sterilizing missile hits the 
city and wipes it from the face of the Earth.

(still need to add Jill's RE5 info)

In RE5 Mercs, Jill didn't really have a very powerful weapon with either her 
Battle Suit or BSAA variety.  In Mercs 3D, Jill gets her own shotgun.  She used 
the SG 556 machine gun, which has slightly more power than her past machine 
guns from RE5 Mercs.  Jill still retains her double knee drop ground melee that 
can easily kill a weaker enemy.

Character Stats

                Damage Rate      Recovery Amount
Default                110%                 330
Casual                 120%                 390

Taunting time: 2.3 seconds

Default Inventory

Machine Gun / SG 556 (45/45)
Shotgun / M3 (5/5)

Green Herb(s) = 1

Default Weapons

-- SG 556

Weapon type: Machine Gun
Ammo: 45/45
Max number of load: 90
Damage: 180
Reload speed: 2.55 seconds
Critical percentage: 12.5%

The SG (SIG) 556 is the middle grade machine gun in Mercs 3D.  It does decent 
damage per shot fired, has a good amount of ammo that can be loaded into the 
gun at a time and has less recoil than the AK.  The SG 556 has nothing special 
about it other than it is the middle grade machine gun though.  It has no 
piercing like the MP5 and doesn't take off heavy damage per shot like the AK.  
It can be a good weapon to set up melee kills against weaker enemies instead of 
using the AK, but against stronger enemies, the AK is a better choice.

-- Knife

Weapon type: Knife (melee weapon)
Ammo: n/a
Max number of load: n/a
Damage: 190
Reload speed: n/a
Critical percentage: 0%
Special Properities: Counts a melee (+5 seconds per finishing knife slash)

Jill's knife takes off 190 damage per slash and will count as a melee kill if a 
an enemy is finished off with a knife slash.  With its low damage, this knife 
is only really good against weaker enemies.  Jill, herself, gets the most use 
out of her knife.  She will poke forward with quick stabs that hit an enemy 
quickly compared to other characters' wide range slices.

NOTE: The knife is best used while moving.  Move while aiming and slash at 
enemies to kill them off quickly.

-- M3

Weapon type: Shotgun
Ammo: 5/5
Max number of load: 10
Damage: 500 x 7
Reload speed: 3.00 seconds
Critical percentage: 12.5%

The M3 shotgun has a slightly higher firepower per pellet when compared to the 
M37 shotgun.  The slight upgrade in pellet power makes it take off quite a bit 
more if the full pellet spreads hits though.  The M37 takes off 2800 damage 
with a full spread and M3 takes off 3500 damage with a full spread, so this 
shotgun can take more damage from bigger enemies such as an Executioner or 
Super Salvador when shot from close range.  Just like the M37, the M3 is only 
really effective against bigger enemies from close range.


-- High Kick

Melee type: Head stun melee
Hit range:
Damage: 350

Jill performs an upward kick to the enemy's face.

-- Rising Kick

Melee type: Leg stun melee (front)
Hit range:
Damage: 350

Jill leans down and perform an upward kick.

-- Head Grab

Melee type: Leg stun melee (back)
Hit range:
Damage: Instant kill
Special Effect: Cancels plagas

Jill leaps onto the enemy's head by latching her knees around its head then 
quickly twist their neck before dive rolling off.

-- Roundhouse

Melee type: Arm stun melee (front)
Hit range:
Damage: 250

Jill performs a roundhouse kick.

-- Reverse Roundhouse

Melee type: Arm stun melee (back)
Hit range:
Damage: 350

Jill performs a spinning roundhouse kick.

-- Double Knee Drop

Melee type: Ground melee
Hit range:
Damage: 1200

Jill leaps into the air and falls on the enemy with both of her knees then 
backflips away.

-- Flip Kick

Melee type: Deathblow melee (front)
Hit range:
Damage: 2000
Special Effect: Cancels plagas spawn

Jill leaps forward and hits the enemy with two kicks while rising and 
somersaulting away.  She lands and crouches then poses.

-- Cartwheel Kick

Melee type: Deathblow melee (back)
Hit range:
Damage: 2000
Special Effect: Cancels plagas spawn

Jill performs a carwheel and kicks the enemy twice then lands and crouches and 

                         R E B E C C A  C H A M B E R S

      "The name is Rebecca Chambers, but that's *Officer* Chambers to you."


| S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team               |
| Rear Security/Medic                 |
|                                     |
| Gender: Female                      |
| Age: 18                             |
| Blood: AB                           |
| Height: 5'3                         |
| Weight: 93 lbs                      |

As the team medic, this S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team rookie was involved in the 
outbreak that occurred aboard the Ecliptic Express.  Although her lack of 
experience can cause her to hesitate in certain situations she remains calm in 
the face of danger.  She has a tendency to act overconfident and act as if she 
does not need anyone's help even when she is fully aware that she does.

She first meets Billy Coen while on board the Ecliptic Express and tries to 
shrug him off as a criminal that is simply using the outbreak as a means to 
reach freedom.  After the two work together and Billy begins to help her out, 
Rebecca begins to respect Billy and believe that he has been wrongfully 
convicted.  The two characters survive the Training Facility nightmare together 
and Rebecca allows Billy to walk away from the incident claiming that he 
officially died in the train wreck.  The two go their separate ways and Rebecca 
heads for the Spencer Estate to rejoin Bravo Team.

Though Rebecca has been robbed of her flamespray head stun melee from RE5 Mercs 
Reunion, she has one of the best weapon setups in Mercs 3D.  Her melees lack 
power, but they can be used effectively with enough damage before each melee 

Character Stats

                Damage Rate      Recovery Amount
Default                130%                 450
Nurse                  150%                 600

Taunting time: 2.6 seconds

Default Inventory

Machine Gun / MP5 (60/60)
Grenade Launcher Launcher - Explosive Rounds (4/4)

Green Herb(s) = 5

Default Weapons

-- MP5

Weapon type: Machine Gun
Ammo: 60/60
Max number of load: 120
Damage: 120
Reload speed: 2.40 seconds
Critical percentage: 20%
Special Properties: Piercing

The MP5 is the weakest machine gun in Mercs 3D, but it is the only machine gun 
with piercing and it has the least amount of recoil when shooting.  The MP5 is 
quite accurate for a machine gun, so when spamming an enemy with rapid fire, 
it's much easier to focus on a certain point of their body.  Since the MP5 is 
so weak, it's a good idea to equip a skill that will boost your character's 
melee attack power or a skill that will boost the attack power of the MP5.  The 
gun really needs some type of support to make it effective.

-- Grenade Launcher

Weapon type: Grenade Launcher
Ammo: 4/4
Max number of load: 6
Damage: 1500
Reload speed: 3.33 seconds
Critical percentage: 0%

The grenade launcher with explosive rounds is easily one of the best boss 
killing weapons in the game.  Each explosive round will take off 1500 damage 
per direct hit and it will often stun a boss.  Not only is this a good weapon 
to spam a boss with for damage, but it will also help a player to keep the 
combo while fighting a boss.  Since each shot will make an explosion, nearby 
enemies will be killed off and this will help a player keep the combo with 
little effort while damaging a boss.

Explosive rounds can stun just about any boss!  Garradors can be knocked over 
with a direct hit - a player can actually activate both stun animations on a 
Garrador with explosive rounds (kneel over and fall).  Executioners, Super 
Salvadors, and Chainsaw Majini will all be stunned with a direct hit.  Gatling 
Gun Majini are also extremely weak against explosive rounds - it will only take 
about 4 explosive rounds to finish them off!

NOTE 1: Explosive rounds can be shot toward the ground in front of your 
character to make your character perform a flinching pose where they will throw 
up their arms to shield their body.  This pose will make the character 
invincible to any attack while the flinching pose is activated.

NOTE 2: Once again, Gatling Gun Majini are extremely weak against explosive 
rounds.  A player can easily spam a Gatling Gun Majini with explosive rounds 
and kill it within 3-4 direct shots.


-- Push Out

Melee type: Head stun melee
Hit range:
Damage: 400

Rebecca moves forward and pushes the enemy to the ground.

-- Jump Punch

Melee type: Leg stun melee (front)
Hit range:
Damage: 350

Rebecca hops into the air then punches the enemy straight down to the ground.

-- Head Cracker

Melee type: Leg stun melee (back)
Hit range:
Damage: 450
Special Effect: 50% Critical rate, Cancels plagas spawn (if enemy is killed)

Rebecca gets behind the enemy then knees the enemy in the back of the head.

-- Tear Gas

Melee type: Arm stun melee (front)
Hit range:
Damage: 200

Rebecca takes out a bottle of tear gas and sprays the enemy in the face.

-- Rump Shaker

Melee type: Arm stun melee (back)
Hit range:
Damage: 300

Rebecca lunges forward and strikes the enemy with her rump.

-- Kick

Melee type: Ground melee
Hit range:
Damage: 500
Special Effect: Critical if aimed for the head.

Rebecca perform a quick punt kick to the grounded enemy.

-- Stun Gun

Melee type: Deathblow melee (front and back)
Hit range:
Damage: 8000
Special Effect: Cancels plagas spawn

Rebecca takes out a stun gun then shocks the enemy with the gun.

                         E X T R A  W E A P O N  S E T


-- Red 9

Weapon type: Handgun
Ammo: 3/9
Max number of load: 6
Damage: 800
Reload speed: 2.37 seconds
Critical percentage: 12.5%

The Red 9 is the most damaging weapon in the game that can set up melee kills. 
At first glance, this handgun looks too damaging to be effective.  The Red 9 
actually isn't that useful weaker enemies such as Town Majini and most Base 
Majini, but it is highly effective for setting up melee kills with Zealots 
however!  When this gun is paired up with a skill that can boost melee attacks, 
it can help a player make quick work of Zealot enemies.

Since the Red 9 can only hold 3 bullets at a time, it will have to be reloaded 
constantly.  It's need of constant reloading makes it useless without a skill 
that will allow a player to perform a quick reload (Old School, Revenge, etc.). 
Always make sure to use a skill that will allow your character to reload during 
animations while using this weapon.

-- Grenade Launcher

Weapon type: 2-Way Grenade Launcher
Ammo: 4/10
Max number of load: 6
Damage: 1500 x 2
Reload speed: 3.33 seconds
Critical percentage: 0%

What is better than a grenade launcher that can fire explosive rounds?  A 
grenade launcher that can fire two explosive rounds at a time!  Since this 2-
way grenade launcher will fire two explosive rounds with each shot, it can take 
off 3000 damage if both explosive rounds hit an enemy.  One of the best parts 
about this grenade launcher is that each shot will only take 1 ammo from the 
gun, so each time your character shoots both explosive rounds per shot, only 1 
round will be taken away from the gun.

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