Friday, April 25, 2014

xbox one clan join call of duty ghost

comment back if u want to join KILLAS ALL DAY 1 or just apply for the clan on call of duty app. this whole clan is about unlocking items, teamwork, and never giving up. so now thats out of the way i will se you on the other side. remeber comment on website or apply on app. the clan is KILLAS ALL DAY 1

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

max payne 3 guide 0

Chapter 1: Something Rotten In the Air

The Golden Guns and Clues in this level are listed in order of appearance.


Right after the first tutorial on bullet time and diving, run past the door where you shot the first enemies and look for this Gun Part on the ground by the window.


This is on the coffee table in the swank room you kill the first enemies in. Activate this before exiting onto the porch.


After the scene where Max slides down the roof and frees the hostage, you will gain control again inside an office area. Run past the circular desk area and look for this Gun Part in the corner to the right. It's in front of thewindows between two columns.


After hitting the green button in the parking garage, stay to the right in the next area. This Gun Part is on the ground in the corner. Get it before heading up the ramp.


After hitting the green button in the parking garage, this is on the ramp leading up to the next level of the garage.

max payne 3 guide 11

Chapter 10: It's Drive Or Shoot, Sister


After you take out the snipers shooting at Giavana, head towards the sniper roost and look for a truck or bus with its top missing. This Gun Part can be found here.


In the area with the large red bus station, take out all the enemies and, while facing the front of the station, turn left and enter the office down the road a bit. This newspaper is on the counter inside.


Before hitting the red paint booth door button inside the bus station, turn around and enter the small room directly across the way with this Gun Part.


After you shoot the catwalk out from under some enemies above, search the large garage for a bus on a lift. Run under this and pick up the Gun Part on the counter just beyond it.


In the room with the large bus in the middle of it, go down the stairs and enter the bus. The Gun Part is on the ground inside.


In the bus station offices, at the top of the stairs where you encounter the first enemies, one of the corner offices has a Gun Part on a desk.


After clearing out the top floor of the bus office, head down the stairs and examine the big green poster with the lady on it at the bottom.


Just past the poster on the wall is an office with some donuts on the desk. This Gun Part is just behind the desk.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

max payne 3 guide 10

Max Payne 3 Chapter 9 Collectibles Locations

Just as the previous Max Payne 3 chapterChapter 9 features nine hidden collectibles, which can be found while exploring the streets of Sao Paolo.
NOTE: The video game was played on Xbox 360.
Six of them are golden parts which give you access to two new golden guns: the Golden DE .50 pistol and theGolden M972 SMG (sub-machine gun).
Additionally, Chapter IX includes three  hidden clues, and all of them are corpses.
Chapter 9 is named Here I Was Again, Halfway Down the World, and continues the events started in Chapter 7. Max must chase and save Marcelo and Giovanna on the streets of Sao Paolo, but this time he will encounter more than just gang members.
In the following Max Payne 3 guide, we reveal the location of every clue and gold part available in Chapter 9, with the purpose of helping those who wish to unlock all corresponding achievements/trophies as well as bonuses. To find all of them in a single playthrough, make sure you respect the order below.

Max Payne 3 Collectibles Locations – Chapter 9 – Dead Gang Members Clue

The first clue is in the first building you enter. Look for a corpse standing against the wall.
Max Payne 3  Chapter 9 - Dead Gang Members Clue

Max Payne 3 Collectibles Locations – Chapter 9 - DE .50 Gold Gun Part 1

After the second cutscene showing Marcelo and Giovanna, you will encounter several paramilitaries. Kill them then descend the stairs. To your left you should see a house with two floors. The second one is destroyed, and the first one is painted in green. Check the entrance (white door) and in front of it is the first Golden DE .50 Part.
Max Payne 3 DE .50 Gold Gun Part 1

Max Payne 3 Collectibles Locations – Chapter 9 - Dead UFE Members Clue

As you advance on the next street, you will come across a body on some stairs, to the right. Make sure you examine it.
Max Payne 3 Dead UFE Members Clue

Max Payne 3 Collectibles Locations – Chapter 9 - M972 Gold Gun Part 1

After you find the clue, in the next building you enter, you will see a woman who runs away from you and locks the door to her room. Check the bathroom to find the Golden M972 Part 1/3. You will know you are in the right building because Max will walk slowly.
Max Payne 3 M972 Gold Gun Part 1

Max Payne 3 Collectibles Locations – Chapter 9 - M972 Gold Gun Part 2

Assuming that you complete the helicopter QTE (quick-time event), Max will fall through a roof. When you exit the building, keep your eyes to the left side of the narrow street. Next to some stairs you will find the Golden M972 Part 2. Pick it up and at the end of the street you will encounter several cops, protecting the next clue.
Max Payne 3  M972 Gold Gun Part 2

Max Payne 3 Collectibles Locations – Chapter 9 – Dead Residents Clue

After you take out the cops, examine the body of the resident they executed. It is the final clue in Chapter 9.
Max Payne 3 Dead Residents Clue

Max Payne 3 Collectibles Locations – Chapter 9 – DE .50 Gold Gun Part 2

The second Golden DE .50 part is hard to find because it is hidden in some bushes. After the cutscene showing the paramilitaries escorting the residents, you will find yourself in a backyard. On the left side of the yard you will see two tires and a wheel. Behind them is the Golden DE .50 Part 2. After you pick it up head forward but don’t go upstairs. Turn left around the small fence to find another part.
Max Payne 3 DE .50 Gold Gun Part 2

Max Payne 3 Collectibles Locations – Chapter 9 - M972 Gold Gun Part 3

After you cross the porch of the house with a green carpet at the door, you will reach a dead end. To the left, on the ground is the last Golden M972 Gun Part.
Max Payne 3 M972 Gold Gun Part 3

Max Payne 3 Collectibles Locations – Chapter 9 – DE .50 Gold Gun Part 3

The last Golden DE .50 part can be found after you cross the balcony. Eventually, you will encounter more paramilitaries, on the other side of the street. Kill them and you have to cross a wooden platform/bridge. Right in front of you is a hidden area. The window has bars on it, but there is a gate to the left. Explore the small entrance to find the Golden DE .50 Part 3, on the ground.
Max Payne 3 DE .50 Gold Gun Part 3